David Kemp
Salisbury, Wiltshire
Pigs (indoor and outdoor)
PIGS, WILTSHIRE: David farms 94 acres (38 hectares), all grass, on the edge of Salisbury Plain. He has farmed here since 1987 and was originally a dairy farmer, milking 80 cows. He now keeps 400 sows, producing 9,000 finished pigs every year.
The sows farrow (give birth) outdoors and spend their pregnancy (gestation) indoors in straw yards. The weaners (four week old piglets), and growers (10 to 17 weeks old) are housed in converted dairy buildings on deep straw. About five to seven weeks before they are ready for slaughter, at 22 to 24 weeks of age, they are moved into fully slatted modern pig buildings with automatically controlled natural ventilation.
Outside, the farrowing sows and gilts (young females that have not yet produced piglets) are rotated around the farm every two years, occupying 30 acres at any one time. The rest of the land is grazed by a neighbour’s sheep.
David’s pigs are sold through a major processor and end up on the supermarket shelves.
David enjoys riding, repairing and restoring old motorcycles. He's a keen cricket and rugby fan, even though he doesn’t play any more. Before studying agriculture at Reading University, David studied history.
Talking Point
David feeds his finishers (the pigs almost ready for slaughter) on liquid left-overs from commercial cheese-making or yogurt production, along with potato peelings from the potato processing industry.
This is not the same as feeding domestic food waste or kitchen scraps to pigs, which is illegal. The law is strict on this to prevent diseases, such as African Swine Fever or Foot and Mouth, being transmitted to pigs through food waste that could contain animal products.
However, milk products, like whey, can be used in animal feed as long as they come from a registered milk processing establishment, such as a commercial dairy or creamery. It reduces human food waste which would otherwise go to landfill, provides a balanced, nutritious diet for the pigs and saves David money on feed bills.
Declared interests
Member of NFU and National Pig Association (NPA)